I'm pretty sure that all the Christians are familiar with Ten Commandments.
However, why don't many of them keep the 4th commandment which is keeping Sabbath day holy?
Christians and even unbelievers know Sunday as God worship day and they keep it as God's worship day.
But did you know that we cannot find our the word 'Sunday worship' in the Bible?
Then where does 'Sunday worship' came from?
If we go back to time of Constatine, Roman emperor, there was abolition of Sabbath day in A.D 321 at the council of Nicea.
More specifically, when Israel was conquered by Rome, there was a religion which was welcomed by people. That was Mithraism, which worshiped the sun-god Mithra. Mithraism was the most influential religion in that empire. Roman Emperor Constantine decreed Sunday to be a legal holiday and persecuted and forced Christianity to worship God on Sunday which is the day of the sun.
But do we have to follow rules of men and worship to other gods
or follow our God?
We must figure out and understand why did our God came down in the flesh?
Jn 13:15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ kept the Sabbath day and showed us as an example.
Lk 4:16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as his custom.
No matter what happens, we must follow God's example.
If you study the history of Christianity and the Bible, it is so easy to understand and distinguish what is God's will and what are rules taught by men.
Hope everyone,who reads this writing,
open mind and grasp a chance to know God and God's regulation correctly.
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